24.05.2012: Publication: Migration Statistics Quarterly Report May 2012

Publication: Migration Statistics Quarterly Report May 2012

Citizens from non-EU countries continue to be the largest group of migrants to the UK compared to British and the rest of the EU. An estimated 343,000 non-EU citizens arrived to live in the UK in the year to September 2011, which is 58 per cent of all immigrants. This is slightly higher than the estimate of 326,000 who arrived in the year to September 2010

182,000 NINos were allocated to EU8 nationals in the year to December 2011, an increase of three per cent on the year to December 2010

In May 2004, eight central and eastern European countries joined the EU with rights to work in the UK. The estimated number of citizens of the EU8 countries immigrating long-term to the UK in the year to September 2011 was 75,000 not a statistically significant difference from the estimate of 86,000 in the year to September 2010 (note that the small number of EU8 migrants in the International Passenger Survey sample means that a change must be large for it to have sufficient certainty to be regarded as statistically significant). The estimated number of EU8 citizens emigrating from the UK in the year to September 2011 was 39,000, not a statistically significant difference from the estimate of 36,000 in the year to September 2010. (Figure 2.22)

The proportion of NINos allocated to Accession nationals (that is those of all 12 Accession countries –see Glossary) in the year to December 2011 is 33 per cent. Accession nationals accounted for 46 per cent of all allocations to adult overseas nationals when the figures peaked in the year to December 2007. (Figure 2.4)


Population by Country of birth and Nationality October 2010 to September 2011

Table 1.3         
“Estimated overseas-born population resident in the United Kingdom, by country of birth   
October 2010 to September 2011   
60 most common countries of birth

    Country    Estimate  CI +/-
2  Poland     614          34

Table 2.3         
Estimated population of overseas nationals resident in the United Kingdom, by nationality3,4,5     
October 2010 to September 2011     

Country    Estimate      CI +/-
1  Poland    654              35

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